Nexus Adventures Wiki

I know its been a while since I posted on here. But I would like to continue with the LNA official story when I have time. I've put the list of characters, teams, and locations in the comments below.  -Zaxzax12

When we last left our players, they were all in a rather pressing situation.. Zax after catching up with an old friend, finds Daniel has been taken by trolls!  And Samri after battling a Regal Troll with the help of his friends. Finds himself at the mercy of the legendary minfig, whoms actions were less then legendary.. Volcanic and his crew have also fell into a dangerous trap. And of course Resh was abandoned by Atom, to face the perils of the Kingdoms world alone!  What will become of them? We shall see..

"Great he's gone!" Said Resh to himself.. "Not sure if I'm glad, or worried. But atleast the village isn't very far away." He continued, trying to keep up the illusion someone was with him.. Resh being the excellent multi-tasker he is. Kept taking a loud from time to time, while having a completly different debate going on in his head.   "I'm not sure what to do, or who to trust anymore. The peaceful harmless sector of space I thought needed only protection from others, seems to be more dark and untrust-worthy as the beings who live in it.."  


"Trolls! That can't be. They usually don't come out in the day light." Replied Zax or I, as Rio and I chased after them. "They must be very low on food to come out at this hour of the day." suggested Rio. "Huh, huh. Agreed. Even the semi infected Trolls force the Goblins too hunt for them." I answered trying to cach my breath as we ran.  "Even more reason to see why these two came out into the open for a single minifig." replied Rio.  We finally caught up too, but stayed out of view of the Trolls. With a number of infected skeletons and fallen knights rising the Trolls and Goblins have been pushed into for far corners of their territory. Some Goblins have even taken shelter in parts of the village and Fallen Kindom. 

Many Trolls however have fallen since the Maelstrom has taken control of the Sector. Those that are still alive are either forced into the Barred Mountains, or blend in with the overwhelming thickness of the Barred Forest. "Zax, ZAX!" shouted Rio. "Quiet, you don't want to give us away!" I replied with a slightly raised tone of voice as well. "But look. Their just regular Troll Warriors. Not the Giant Trolls that normally roam this area at night." said Rio. "We've better figure out what's going on." I replied. But as I look over my shoulder, it appeared I had been a little to loud. 
